Gustakhi Maaf Haryana-Pawan Kumar Bansal.
Decks cleared for election of Management Committee of Sarswati Kunj Cooperative Housing Society,Gurugram-AR Cooperative Societies Gurugram has postponed the election following instructions from Registrar Cooperative Societies,Panchkula.
Decks cleared for the election of management committee of Sarswati Kunj Cooperation House Building society.Gurugram.Elections were long awaited and at present DC,Gurugram is Chairman of Board of Governors of the society.Responding to complaint of N.K.Bhutani on CM window ,Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies,Gurugram,Mr Ritender has responded that election will be conducted following orders from headquarters under Haryana Cooperative Societies Act 1984 section 28(2) .Recall that Returning Officor Cum Assistant Registar Cooperative Societies,Gurugram wide his letter dated 11.2.23 has postponed the election scheduled for 12.2.23 keeping in view the instructions received from the office of Registrar Cooperative Societies,Panchkula vide Memo No Gen-3/E-174 /2023 / 1480 dated 11.02 .2023 .Earlier Rajesh Singh A.R.Cooperative Societies,Gurugram (Returning Officer )under Rule 34 of Appendix A Haryana govt Cooperative Deptt Notification GSR 2 /HA/22/84/9-131/8 dated 27th January 1989 vide endst 10229/30/RK1/ARG/dated 14.12.2022dated has ordered the election of Management Committee of “Thd Sarswati Kunj Cooperative House Building Society Ltd ,Gurugram on12.02.2023 .
Till then society members led by Mr Bhutani and N.S. Tanwar has been running from the pillar to post for getting the election of the Management Committee conducted.In absence of elected Management Committee Board of Governors headed by DC,Gurugram is holding the charge of Management Committee.Large scale construction were going on in the society without sanctioned plan by the competent authority.Mr Bhutani told that now we hope that elections will be held and elected Management Committee will watch the interests of the members.Tailpiece.Everybody who is somebody in the corridors of power be the IAS and IPS officers,media Barron’s and Judges are members of the society.