Chief Justice of India should tell exact amount received from the residence of Delhi High Court Judge.
Gustakhi Maaf Haryana- Pawan Kumar Bansal
Issue of recovery of huge cash at residence of Delhi High Court Judge is getting murkier day by day.Our investigation has revealed sensational disclosures.It had all the ingredients of a potbelly Mumbai thriller having spices of favouritism.corruption and shielding of tainted judge.Million dollar question is to Chief Justice of India as why he is not disclosing the exact amount recovered.?He should tell whether apart from money and documents were recovered or not .
It is believed that amount was in hundreds of crores in cash.At least two lawyers insist that the money was kept for safe keeping by a big politician and does not belong to the judge. By transferring him his silence has been bought. He will never be punished!!!According to one of the Facebook post, the amount recovered is —-cr. Is it true. ??
The government, the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court should tell the bar about the exact details.
Incident is of 14th and today is 21st , when the bar gets to know through news channels. Why the delay in bringing it up, it should have been brought in light on the very first day.
This is surely the saddest day for the judiciary, a perfect case for anti corruption to know how rotten the whole system is and not for TRANSFER.
The incident has pained many of us, how do we go back to our clients and tell them about justice.